Krka Waterfalls and National Park

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Krka National Park is a nature reserve in southern Croatia and one of the country’s most popular destinations. Famous for its stunning waterfalls, lush forests and diverse wildlife, this park is a must-see for any traveller to Croatia.

The other world-famous national park in Croatia is Plitvice Lakes Park

Highlights Krka National Park

The main attraction of Krka National Park is the series of waterfalls along the Krka River, including Skradinski Buk waterfalls. Skradinski Buk is the largest and most famous waterfall in the park and a popular place for swimming and sunbathing. Visitors can also walk along the river and enjoy the scenic beauty of the waterfalls and the lush vegetation around them. Besides the waterfalls, Krka National Park offers many natural and cultural attractions. The park is a paradise for wildlife, home to many rare and endangered species, and it is also an important habitat for migratory birds. The park also has a rich cultural heritage with numerous medieval monasteries and churches within its boundaries.

>>> Tip: Book day tours by bus and hikes in Krka National Park at Getyourguide

Good video on the subject (Youtube)

Getting to Krka National Park 2024

You can visit the famous national park with your own car or rental car, public bus or a bus tour. The rush of day trippers is extreme in summer. Thousands of visitors come every day.

By car: This is quite easy. The park is already well signposted on street signs in the large city of Sibenik by the sea (the signs say: NP Krka). If you are near the park (journey time from Sibenik less than 20 minutes), you have the choice of driving to the “Skradin” entrance or the “Lozovac” entrance. Both are signposted.

By public bus: Several times a day from Sibenik to Krka National Park.

By bus tour: Better than by public bus. There are many day tours by bus to the world-famous park. A very good overview can be found on the German website Getyourguide (click here). The tours via Getyourguide are usually better and cheaper than tours booked locally in Croatia.

Entrances to Krka National Park 2024

There are about 5 entrances. 2 are used very frequently by tourists: the “Skradin” entrance and the “Lozovac” entrance. Both are only about 15 kilometers from the city of Sibenik and are easy to reach by road.

Skradin entrance to Krka National Park: In our opinion, the best option for a day trip. From here there are often free ferries to the main attraction in the park: the large waterfalls of Skradinski Buk. You take a boat from Skradin (journey time 25 minutes) and stay in Skradinski Buk as long as you want. You take the ferry back. You don’t have to walk much. Maybe a kilometer in total to see the great waterfalls. The ferries run at least every hour.

There is also a great hiking trail through the forest between Skradin and Skradinski Buk (length about 3.5 kilometers). The boats only operate from April to October, not in winter. You can also ride a mountain bike along the path through the forest. Before you enter the national park, whether on foot or by boat, you must buy an entrance ticket for the national park at the national park office in Skradin. You pass the office when you go to the ferry terminal. See below for entrance prices.

The small town of Skradin in Krka National Park, taken from the boat to Skradinski Buk

Lozovac entrance to Krka National Park: This is the official main entrance to Krka National Park. From here there are buses (also free) to the Skradinski Buk waterfalls, the most important attraction in Krka Park. The buses leave at least every 20 minutes. When you’re finished sightseeing, you take a bus back. There is also a National Park Administration office in Lozovac where you can buy tickets for the national park (see prices below) and ask questions.

Which entrance is better? We think the ferry ride from Skradin is better than the buses from Lozovac.

Entrance fee to Krka National Park 2024

The park costs a lot of money to enter. We wrote above that ferries and buses in the national park are free. You could also say that these are already included in the entrance fee.

The entrance fees to the NP depend on the season. In summer (June to September) the entrance fee for adults is 40 euros per person per day (!), in the low season (April, May, October) only 20 euros, and in winter only 7 euros. Children up to 18 years of age pay 15, 12 or 4 euros (depending on the season, months as above). There are also small discounts for groups.

So the prices for the Krka National Park are quite high, especially in summer. But you should not forget that the boat trip or bus trip in the NP is already included. You can pay the entrance fee to the Krka National Park in cash or by card at the two entrances mentioned above. At other, less well-known, entrances you can sometimes only pay in cash.

>>> Tip: Book day tours by bus and hikes in Krka National Park at Getyourguide

Opening hours Krka National Park 2024

In summer (June to August) from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The rest of the year it is shorter because it gets dark early. In January, for example, only from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. But it is open all year round, no days off or anything like that. Only on Christmas and New Year is it closed or open for a shorter period on some holidays.

Parking at Krka National Park (as of 2024)

Parking is free everywhere except at our favorite entrance in Skradin. In Skradin, every hour of parking costs 1.20 euros. This applies to the large public parking lot about 100 meters from the ferry pier. Be careful: there are reports on the Internet that there are other parking lots in Skradin that are significantly more expensive. It is better to use the large public parking lot and pay the 1.20 per hour. There is a huge free parking lot in Lozovac.

Food and drink Krka National Park

Due to the huge number of visitors, there are countless restaurants, cafes and fast food stands. The prices are a bit higher than in other places in Croatia, but still OK. We paid 9 euros in Skradin for a huge portion of Ćevapčići with onions, ajvar and bread. 3 euros for a Coke. There is also a large selection of food and drink at the Skradinski Buk waterfalls. In our opinion, the prices are a bit higher here. There are also souvenirs and other stuff everywhere.

Fast food stall in the NP

Krka National Park Swimming and bathing

This is forbidden almost everywhere due to nature conservation, but is permitted in one place near the Skradinski Buk waterfalls in summer.

>>> Tip: Book day tours by bus and hikes in Krka National Park at Getyourguide

More information Krka National Park

Krka National Park is also a popular recreational area with a wide range of activities such as hiking, fishing and kayaking. Visitors can explore the park on foot, by boat or on horseback to experience its natural beauty from different perspectives. As for food, Krka National Park has numerous restaurants and cafés serving traditional Croatian and regional dishes. The most popular restaurants in the park include Konova Skradinski Buk and Gostiona Stari Murin.Canoeing and kayaking are not permitted in the national park.

In summary, Krka National Park is a truly stunning destination, offering a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural heritage. Whether you are interested in the waterfalls, hiking, wildlife or relaxing in the great outdoors, Krka National Park has a lot to offer.

>>> See the 8 national parks in Croatia

Krka National Park Nature

Croatia’s Krka National Park is one of the country’s most popular natural attractions. The park covers an area of 109 square kilometres and is home to a diverse flora and fauna. In this article we will take a closer look at the flora and fauna of Krka National Park.

Flora (plants):

Krka National Park is characterised by its unique karst topography and lush vegetation. Some of the most common plant species in the park are oaks, beeches and conifers. In addition, the park is home to a variety of endemic plant species, including the Croatian oak, the Krka cowslip and the Krka campion.

The national park consists mainly of rivers, lakes, forests and mountains

One of the most remarkable features of Krka National Park is its rich diversity of medicinal plants. These plants have been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments, and many of them are still used today in traditional medicine, such as sage, thyme, lavender and rosemary, which are the most common in the park.

>>>  Book day tours by bus and hikes Krka National Park

Fauna (animals):

Krka National Park is home to a diverse fauna, including mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians. The most common mammals in the park include otters, lynxes, wild boars and badgers. In addition, the park is also home to many small mammals such as stone martens, red squirrels and dormice.

Birds are also abundant in Krka National Park, making it a popular destination for birdwatchers. The most frequently sighted birds in the park include golden eagles, white-tailed eagles, peregrine falcons and spotted woodpeckers. In addition, the park is home to many migratory birds such as cranes, whooper swans and song thrushes. Reptiles and amphibians are also found in Krka National Park, including species such as the Balkan pond turtle, the European tree frog and the fire salamander. In addition, the park is home to many fish species, including barbel, catfish and brown trout.

In summary, Krka National Park is a unique and species-rich area with a great variety of flora and fauna. Whether you are interested in nature and wildlife or simply want to enjoy the beauty of nature, Krka National Park is a must-see in Croatia.

Krka National Park Hiking

Krka National Park is a popular destination for hiking and outdoor recreation. The park covers an area of 109 square kilometres and has a variety of scenic hiking trails and paths that wind through the park’s forests, rivers and gorges. In this article, we take a closer look at the hiking opportunities in Krka National Park.

Hiking trails:

Krka National Park has a variety of hiking trails suitable for hikers of all levels. Trails in the park range from short walks of a few hundred metres to long hikes that can take several hours. The most popular trails in the park include the Visovac Island Trail, the Skradinski Buk Trail and the Roški Slap Trail.

The Visovac Island Trail is a 2.5 km hiking trail that winds through the park’s lush forests and offers spectacular views of the Krka River and surrounding mountains. The trails are suitable for all levels of difficulty and ideal for families with children.

>>>  Book day tours by bus and hikes Krka National Park

The Skradinski Buk trail is a 4 km hike through the park’s most famous waterfall, Skradinski Buk. This trail is slightly more challenging than the Visovac Island Trail, but offers great views of the waterfall and the surrounding landscape. The Roški Slap Trail is a 6 km trail that follows the Krka River through the park’s canyons and offers spectacular views of the park’s unique karst landscapes. This trail is more difficult than the others in the park, but for those looking for a challenging hiking experience, it is well worth it.


Krka National Park is well equipped for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts. The park has a variety of facilities, including picnic areas, toilets and an information centre. There are also several restaurants and cafés in the park where visitors can grab a bite to eat or take a break from hiking. Tips for hiking in Krka National Park:

Please wear suitable footwear:
The paths in Krka National Park can be rocky and uneven, so it is important to wear sturdy and comfortable footwear.

Take plenty of water with you:
It can get very hot in the park during the summer months, so it is important to take plenty of water with you to ensure you stay hydrated.

Apply sunscreen:
The sun is very strong in the park, so it is important to wear a hat and apply sunscreen to protect your skin.

Please follow the park rules:
Krka National Park is a protected area and it is important to follow the park rules and regulations to protect its unique ecosystem.

Be prepared for weather changes:
The weather in Krka National Park is changeable, so it is important to have the right clothes and equipment for all conditions. In summary, Krka National Park is a must-see for anyone interested in hiking and outdoor recreation. The park offers a variety of trails for hikers of all levels, and its breathtaking scenery and abundant wildlife make it a unique and unforgettable experience.

Famous Krka Waterfalls

Krka National Park is a beautiful nature reserve in the central part of Croatia. The park has a stunning series of waterfalls and cascading rivers that attract visitors from all over the world. In this article we take a closer look at the waterfalls in Krka National Park and explain why they are such a popular tourist destination.

Skradinski Buk:

Skradinski Buk is the largest and most famous waterfall in Krka National Park. The waterfall is located near the park entrance and is easily accessible on foot or by boat. Skradinski Buk is a series of 17 waterfalls with a length of 800 metres. The waterfall is surrounded by lush vegetation and is perfect for picnicking and swimming.

Roski Slap:

Roški Slap is another popular waterfall in Krka National Park. The waterfall is located at the end of the park’s main trail and can be reached on foot or by boat. Roški Slap is a series of seven cascading waterfalls that tumble over rocks into deep pools. The waterfall is surrounded by rocks and cliffs and is a popular place for swimming and sunbathing.

Visovac Island

Visovac Island is a small island in the middle of the Krka River. The island is home to a Franciscan monastery and many beautiful gardens and picnic areas. Visitors to the island can enjoy spectacular views of the river and surrounding countryside and so.

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